Yekra Player

Yekra is a revolutionary new distribution network for feature films.

Hot Flash Havoc

HOT FLASH HAVOC is enlightening, entertaining, humorous, profound, and is a crash-course in what you need to know about menopause. It has the power to be a life-changing experience for every woman.

This film not only sheds insightful light on the confusion stemming from a decade of misguided facts, but conveys poignant stories shared by real women and in-depth interviews with the world’s most noted experts.
HOT FLASH HAVOC provides compelling information about menopause that will empower women for the “Second Act” of their lives.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Santa Cookie Tray - Craft

Who couldn’t use an extra tray or two to serve up all the yummy cookies that everyone loves to bake or receive during the holidays?  If you are feeling crafty and love to paint, here is cute little tray I found online at 

Designed by Dianne Buscema-Gerogianis


Required Materials:
White Saral Wax-Free Transfer Paper
Wood Tray from Michaels
Delta Ceramcoat Acrylic Paint in these colors:

Antique Gold
Light Foliage Green
Apple Green
Medium Foliage Green
Nectar Coral
Bright Red
Santa's Flesh
Candy Bar Brown
Spice Brown
Cape Cod Blue
Tomatoe Spice
Dark Foliage Green
Golden Brown

Loew-Cornell Comfort Handle Brushes

#1 Liner (series 3350)
#8 Flat Shader (series 3300)
#4 Flat Shader (series 3300)

#2 Round (series 3020)

Delta Ceramcoat All-Purpose Sealer
Delta Ceramcoat Matte Varnish
Old toothbrush
Sponge brush
Brown paper bag
Small 1/4" check stencil
Small stencil sponge

Step 1: Surface Preparation
Apply sealer to entire tray using sponge brush and let dry. Basecoat tray with "Cape Cod Blue" paint. Use old toothbrush and "White" paint to "splatter" tray. Let paint dry completely.

Step 2: Transfer Santa Pattern to Tray
Download the Santa Pattern by clicking here using Adobe Acrobat Reader (if you do not have Adobe Acrobat Reader, click here to get it for free!). Using "White" Saral Wax-Free Transfer Paper, transfer the pattern you've downloaded onto the tray.

Step 3: Paint the Pattern using this color guide:
Santa's Head:
Skin Santa's Flesh
Eyebrows, Moustache & Beard Buttercream shaded with Golden Brown
Nose & Mouth Nectar Coral
Cheeks Nectar Coral dot with White
Eyes Black

Santa's Body:
Jacket Tomatoe Spice with stenciled checks and shading with Candy Bar Brown and highlights with Pumpkin
Jacket Trim Buttercream shaded with
Golden Brown
Belt Black with buckle in Antique Gold
Hat Tomatoe Spice shaded with Candy Bar Brown and highlights with Pumpkin
Pompom Buttercream shaded with
Candy Bar Brown
Pants Tomatoe Spice highlights with Pumpkin and shaded with Candy Bar Brown.
Mittens Medium Foliage Green highlights with Apple Green and stripes with Bright Red
Boots Spice Brown shaded with Candy Bar Brown highlights with Golden Brown
Boot Soles Black

Leaves Dark Foliage Green
Leaf veins Medium Foliage Green
Berries Bright Red

Needles Dark Foliage Green highlights with Light Foliage Green
Trunk Spice Brown
Peppermint Candies White with Bright Red stripes
Garland Bright Red
Gift Box 1 White with Bright Red ribbon, bow and dots
Gift Box 2 Bright Red with Medium Foliage Green dots
Gift Box 3 Medium Foliage Green with Bright Red and White stripes
(Note: When finished painting gift boxes, outline each with Black)

Background Snowflakes:
Flakes White

Step 4: Finishing

When painted tray is completely dry, apply two coats of varnish with sponge brush, allowing each coat to dry completely before applying the next coat. When dry, lightly "sand" tray using brown paper bag.

Enjoy Your Santa Cookie Tray!

Friday, February 4, 2011

My Divine Lil’ Diva’s…they keep Christmas in my heart year-round!

A sharp tongue can cut my own throat.

9-AJ HomeAlone Face

If I want my dreams to come true, I mustn't oversleep.


Of all the things I wear, my expression is the most important.

Aleigh Watch Bubbles

The best vitamin for making friends.... B1.

03-AJ meets Shrek 2

The happiness of my life depends on the quality of my thoughts.

2006_04-18 Epcot DGN (58)
The heaviest thing I can carry is a grudge.

One thing I can give and still my word.

2005_03 Mar (12)

I lie the loudest when I lie to myself.


Ideas won't work unless ' I ' do.


My mind is like a functions only when open.

2005_01 17Jan (24)

If I lack the courage to start, I have already finished.


The pursuit of happiness is the chase of a lifetime!

8-Don't forget the Cap

It is never too late to become what I might have been.2005_09 12Sep (67)

One thing I can't recycle is wasted time.

Friends are like balloons; once you let them go, you might not get them back.

Sometimes we get so busy with our own lives and problems that we may not even notice that we've let them fly away.

Sometimes we are so caught up in who's right and who's wrong that we forget what's right and wrong.

Sometimes we just don't realize what real friendship means until it is too late.

I don't want to let that happen so I'll tie you to my heart to never lose you.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

A Winters wish!

Today...I wish you a day of ordinary miracles- 


A fresh pot of coffee you didn't have to make yourself.


An unexpected phone call from an old friend. 


Green stoplights on your way to work or shop.


I wish you a day of little things to rejoice in...


The fastest line at the grocery store.



A good sing-along song on the radio.




Your keys  (or pen) right where you look.



I wish you a day of happiness in little bite-size pieces of perfection that give you the funny feeling that the world is smiling on you . . .

treating you gently because you're someone special and rare.



I wish You a day of Peace, Happiness and Joy.



It takes a moment to find a special person, an hour to appreciate them, a day to love them, and an entire life to forget them.



A short message to let you know that you'll never be forgotten.




Take some time for yourself!



Wishing you the very best 

